Thursday, June 28, 2007


Mac Port: Clipboard work completed

I'm happy to continue the series of good news for the Mac porting project with the announcement that I completed the implementation of the clipboard service for OOo on Mac OS X. That means that data exchange via clipboard is now possible for the most comonly used formats (e.g. Plain text, RTF, HTML, Pictures). Even OLE data exchange between OOo and MS Office works reasonably already. All changes are in module 'dtrans' of cws aquavcl01.
I hope you'll enjoy it.

Hey there - great work on the Open Office port!

I downloaded the m1 build the other day but found blurry text, a broken "File..." dialogue, a slow application over all. Today, I tried the newest m4 release and wow - what an improvement. It's fast, better scrolling, better dialogue boxes, and so on. I will keep testing it. Is there a place where I can submit bugs and ideas? How can I help?

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